I can't stand it!

November 28, 2008 | |

I've never been angry a Do The Math blog post, but I just don't get it (the stereotypical 1800's German is Karl Marx). Hasn't history pretty well shown that once you drink the socialist stew your country has about a 30 year life span before it collapses? And I'll remind you that American GDP is 60 times Venezuela's. It's be a hard case to make that those 30 years are really fruitful years. And hasn't human reason pretty well ironed out that private property is good and necessary. I repeat: PRIVATE PROPERTY IS GOOD AND NECESSARY! If any of my readers really despise private property I invite you to share your favorite jazz CDs with my high school band room. Coltrane would be much appreciated. The address is here.

I have an uncle who champions Marx and out of love I can't help but try to convert him at Thanksgiving dinner. I try to remember that Jesus tried to help everybody out of love and they killed him so I suppose that's why you don't talk about politics with relatives. But seriously! I can't even get my mind around the idea of championing out right socialism. If you rejected original sin the argument would work easier, but the story they cite is a prime example of original sin. I can at least comprehend those who just want a little socialism here and there under the title "advanced capitalism".

I find the historical evolution funny: Somehow we go from bartering to legal tender to abolishing the whole system as if abolishing the system makes man smarter. It's like a little kid who is given a spoon to eat his food with but decides that the environment would be saved the metal to make the spoon so he will use his fingers. Abolishing age old systems does not make you better. I can just imagine how eloquently C.S. Lewis would have given the last 3 lines... I suppose economic insanity was a bit before his time. I wish I was a genius sometimes. And rich so that I could help people intellectually and economically. I could be the ultimate good samaritan if original sin didn't make me greedy and self-loving. God loves us so much he doesn't give us money.