October 05, 2008 | |

Maria's Music here by takes the stand that the economic bailout is socialism at it's most deceptive. Why aren't more people talking about this in the blog world? With all due respect, somebody like Andrew Durkin should be hailing this as a great success. It worries me that I have nobody to disagree with on this front.


I'll miss attending a school where it is a real shock when the football team wins a game, much less by over 50 points.

I'll miss attending a school that gives you more homework than you can do during the week, regardless of effort. Your weekends become 4 hour days of catch up. Though I hear college is the same way...

I'll miss attending a school where the director of the upper school compliments students on their modest dance attire.


Andrew Durkin said...

Actually, Maria, I'm no fan of the bailout. And neither do I like the deregulation-mania that got us into this financial mess.

And for the record, I'm not yet at the point where I blog every thought that comes into my head. I mean, I do have life away from the computer...