On God's Existance

October 23, 2008 | |

There are plenty of proofs for God out there. With lots of lamentably bad ones. In fact I'm going to posit, for this at least, that you can't prove that God exists. For now, no syllogisms can prove one God who created the world and cares about it's inhabitants.

Now a few things you have to just buy:

The Catholic Church (the original Christian Church, remember. It is a flawed human body, but I think any human has realized that human bodies are flawed. Who has a perfect marriage, or has no complaints about their boss or coworkers) teaches that grace is a supernatural gift of sorts that gives man help from God. For instance, I am really mad and I say "God help me not to throttle my friend" and God will give me strength (beyond my own ability, or maybe it just makes the choice easier, even though I could have done it without God's Grace) to not throttle my friend. But if I don't ask for it, God isn't going to give it to me. It's out there and plenty of ridiculous cartoon bubbles come to mind. But buy that there is this thing called Grace, that it helps man do (virtuous) things and that you have to ask to receive it.

Now it is impossible to prove that God doesn't exist. I'm not saying you can prove his does exist, because remember for this article that you cannot prove he does. But you cannot prove that he doesn't exist. So the odds that the "God Exists" camp have it right are infinitely better than the odds that the "God Doesn't Exist" camp have it right. It's dividing a 1 and 1 million chance by a 0 and 1 million chance. With the odds stacked against you and the knowledge that if you asked God for help he will help you why wouldn't you give it a whirl? The promises are pretty immense if it's true. In fact they are infinite!

And when you do give it a whirl (as I did), you would say something like "God, if you exist, help me to understand how you exist. Give me some sign of your existence" and while your at it you could even spill all and say "God, I was really a jerk to the check out lady at Cub today. Help me to be a better person" and maybe even end with the Hail Mary or the manly St. Michael The Arch Angel prayer. And I guarantee you that if it is all done with sincerity of heart God will answer your prayers.

This is a very selfish way of coming to God, because it puts your pleasure (good promises) as the prime reason for seeking God. So realize that I don't condone this type of religion as a continuing practice, because (and I'm no where close) we should love God because he's God. It's a mystery, I agree. But it's not easy to fall off your horse and see God. Figure out that God exists, and then learn about God, and pray that you might seek him unselfishly and your well on your way.

It's not convincing proof, but remember that we said no convincing proof exists on the matter. But your odds are certainly better.