
October 21, 2008 | |

I have to admit that I first heard this song on Michael Savage's radio show. He (at least as part of his shtick) plays doo-wop music when politics start repeating themselves in a depressing loop. I have kind of fallen into the same state of late. There is something about a mundane life that gets really depressing at a point, and every year about this time I reach that point. This year doo-wop music is getting me through it. Go figure... I wish they dispensed with the disgusting tenor/bari solos though. I have 3 completely irrational ideas in life: 1) that getting a hair cut is lazy, 2) the sounds of people chewing (with mouth closed and all that etiquette stuff) is spine chillingly annoying and 3) the stereotypical bari sound (that thankfully some escape) is absolutely repulsive. Makes me feel good about my playing though.

I was recently talking about insanity with one of my teachers. My mom is studying to be a nurse, and in her mind one brain cell goes bad and your crazy, and medication can be used to treat you. I'm not too sure why I disagree with her, maybe it is because reason is a facility of the soul, not the brain. I don't think you can really treat insanity with medication, and I tend to think anybody can become insane. My teacher voiced it better than my cloudy thoughts did: he said that insanity comes from being stuck in a self-made loop that you can't escape. I'm not exactly sure how that all works yet but it seems to make sense.

Maybe I'll open my "Basic Psychology" text one of these days and figure all this out. Though I suppose it will revolve around the kind of teaching my mom has gotten.

You know your in an odd state of mind when your really interested in reading about insanity.


I will miss attending a school where students (and teachers) takes a stand for the worst atrocity of our generation.

I've long been looking for an accurate, unbiased number of abortions that have taken place in the last 40 years, and I wouldn't completely trust this website and it's 50 million number. But I wouldn't completely ignore data that say 1/3 of babies are aborted either, even if the number is biased. I doubt the out and out lie, and you can only effect bias so much. Even if the number was 1/6 there are very serious social consequences (disregarding any moral consequences). Among other problems, think if John Coltrane or Miles Davis were aborted. Or more importantly, what if Winston Churchill was aborted, or George Washington. The number of great men that history is indebted to that aren't being born frightens me.

And I don't buy the idea that the government can do many things better than I can (I don't buy that whole "give to the poor" idea of governing, for many reasons), and I therefor don't support many of the laws that come about in this day and age that protect us from ourselves. I know many that think that abortion is horrible, that that it's not the government's place to outlaw it, but I think it's a matter of national security. I know I'm throwing out buzz words that immediately evoke opinions, but think about it: how many kids are aborted in Pakistan? How many working women aren't ready for a child yet in China? We have the best army in the world, but at a certain point if you don't have any soldiers your in trouble.

I will also miss attending a school where the math teacher makes a better band director than the band director. Actually I can think of a handful of teachers that know more about music than she does... more proof that a degree means almost nothing.