Atonality Day

September 27, 2008 | |

Happy Anniversary Atonality! Alex Ross has proclaimed September 27 as the official day. A while back I got a shirt that has a tombstone with Tonality's name on it and some dates (of apparently no significance) on the back, and then "Keep Music Evil" on the front. I proudly wore it today... under my shirt. Which brings me to today's "Things I'll Miss":

I'll miss attending a school where your religion teacher's wife teaches classical flute lessons out of her home. I didn't have the guts to stick my nose to the establishment while playing classical flute... even though it seems to be an atonally friendly household. At

Returning once again to my thought that American's have lost the ability to appreciate/understand more sophisticated forms of music. What I so enjoy about Mahler, Ornette Coleman, Shostakovich and Happy Apple are that there is so much emotion in their music. In "The Abolition of Man" CS Lewis asserts that the youth of his day (1943) were emotionally ignorant, using the impressive analogy, "The youth are not rain forests to be cut down but deserts to be irrigated." The youth haven't been taught to like Beethoven because we don't teach them to have noble feelings. This may sound sentimental but I'll defer the proper explanation of this point to Lewis himself. He'll do a much better job than I can.