I'm Back

September 25, 2008 | |

I took a long hiatus. And now, just when I am most busy, I'll try to start posting a bit again. I started posting on dooHICKEY (Abecedarius Rex was gracious enough to bring me in on his new creation) with a opening post about the new MacDonald's commercial.

I'd like to add that Micky D's is only endorsing this kind of ignorance. If America knew a little bit about jazz, knew French, or at the very least the location of Paraguay on a map I think it would be a better place. All of which are completely unrelated to coffee consumption by the way. Maybe even more insulting though is that all of this is lumped together with reality TV shows and gossip magazines. At first it seems like a harmless commercial but with the culture being as foolish as it is, and the government being as socialist as it is, it's tough to be really optimistic.


Go pick up Martin Dosh's new CD "Wolves And Wishes"! He is part of what makes the Minneapolis music scene so incredible.


And a new (hopefully reoccuring... The Halloween Alaska lyric bit will make a triumphant comeback one day, I promise) segment: I will pubilish one fact about my highschool that I will miss when I leave it in 143 days. Hopefully this will give the reader who has no clue where I attend school a little glimps into the best thing that has ever happened to me, and hopefully it will serve as a supreme thanks to my parents and everybody at my school. Here goes:

With 143 days left in my days at PA I realized that I will miss the great history teacher Dr. C's loud music. It ranges from Bach to Mahler to French popular music of the 1940's. But whatever genre he draws from it is always played at top volume. It is too loud to be able to effectively converse in it's midst, and loud enough to hear through out the halls. And he always waits for the song to end before he begins class. I will miss having teachers like that.