January 13, 2008 | |


Anonymous said...

In music, you should NEVER play for the sole purpose of appeasing the audience. Rather, you should play music with such conviction what you are playing is truly the sound YOU personally are trying to produce. If you are sincere in your mindset what you are playing makes sense, other people will see that enthusiasm in you and even if they do not see the same beauty you see, will nonetheless respect you for your enthusiasm. However, there will most definitely be those who do recognize the beauty of your piece, and then you have become a musician, rejoicing and sharing this feeling with those around you.

Tony Pistilli said...

There is a fine line between being a musician and a bum though. I can play like Lenny Picket and I can play like Michael Lewis, but Lenny Picket's style will make me a lot more money. Not everything is as rosey as I would want it to be. If Happy Apple could do a US tour the world would be a better place, but the truth is nobody cares about that music. And no, they don't respect it. Most people don't give it enough listen to hear that they are incredibly intelligent. You are more intelligent (because taste in a variety of music comes with intelligence) man than most.