"Call It Clear" Lyrics

January 17, 2008 | |

There was a day when I was a depressed youth going through a crisis that brought about maturity, and one of the great things about that crisis was that I discovered how awesome music was and discarded a life in favor of music. And one of the things I was especially attracted to at the time was lyrics. I have since started listening to jazz bands more than rock bands. Jazz lyrics are amazing, as are rock lyrics. The following lyrics are from a "rock" band I came to through David King's connection to jazz; Halloween, Alaska is a rock band consisting (during this album) of James Diers, Ev Olcott, Matt Friesen and David King. The lyrics are as follows:

Listen up lovely
And hear what the evening sees in you
Lilacs and landmines

You count on your fingers
Pitches you ought to be and soon
Just let them call you

Why do you think you're here?

Trouble the backseat
Worry the windshield with that face
What couldn't you have?

Head of St. Catherine
Hearts that will run to meet you
Were only volunteers my dear

Why do you think we're here?
Is that why the call it clear?

I reckon I'd say some sometimes
My delicate slip of sunshine
You can die
If you decide

I will put my interpretation of these lyrics into several posts over the next few days.


Anonymous said...

Well written article.