
October 10, 2009 | |

I woke up to snow this morning! Cardigan season is finally here!

I hope the "Party for Trees" fails because nobody loves their trees enough to freeze for them.

Perhaps Hickory Tate will be there? He was on the front page of the school newspaper for holding a picnic in honor of the Council Oak, which, thanks to our mother the earth, will not be removed.

Abecedarius Rex wrote about manliness recently (and here also, I suppose). Now, a certain Gunnar Andreen came to talk about sustainability as a source of business profit a few days ago. My accounting teacher announced the event several times, and I could just tell that he wanted to say "gunner", as in one who shoots a gun, but he forced himself to say "goon-er", as in one who is a goon. Perhaps I'm way off the mark, but is sustainability (and cultural sensitivity) making men like my accounting teacher and Hickory Tate sissies? Would we have put a gun in Mr. Andreen's name 50 years ago?