Links Galore!

December 14, 2008 | |

I know I'm two days late for a link post, but all those traditionalist "Friday Link Post" bloggers can eat it!


The intelligent and thoughtful Good Thunder graciously corrected my errant post about The Feast of The Immaculate Conception.

But the scientists out there didn't lose the battle yet! According to our friend Franz Karl Naegele you calculate the estimated date of birth by taking the last menstrual period , add a year, subtract three months and add seven days to that date. So it'd all look something like:

March 25
- 3 months = December 25
+7 days = January 1

But then again Jesus could be born 7 days early...


I saw two comercials on Nickelodian that I couldn't help but laugh at:

There was a time when little girls took care of real babies. How laughabal is it that the little girls of our generation take care of virtual kids!

Don't skip out... watch it all, it only gets better in the last 3/4ths. Nick actually made a game where kids go around shooting toxic chemicals. The youngins can even reduce their CO2 emmissions, as if they had any in the first place. Dennis Prager argues that "the war against tobacco is a symptom and cause of a shallower society. It has done far more harm to America than tobacco." We'll have a generation that thinks driving a car is worse than lieing pretty soon.


I have never thought of what biblical figure I'd want to be, but Good Thunder chose John the Baptist. I might want to be Solomon. Reading Augustine's Confessions I stumbled on this proverb today: Rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee (Proverbs 9:8). You'd have to be pretty wise to deal with 1000 wives/concubines, especially in a time when half of the men out there can't stick with one.

I love how ragged he looks! Give up all your worldly convinces, bath in rivers, eat bugs for dinner and do the work of God! Amen!


President Bush got a shoe thrown at him! Pretty good reaction time huh?

I guess it's not too odd of a choice.


Do The Math brought some interesting stuff to light!

I'm fond of "don't listen to me, I'm supposed to be accompanying you". Monk had to be the most humble piano player ever to grace the keys. Or foolish.

And "they tried to get me to hate white people, but someone would always come along and spoil it." Most people can hate someone they know. Sometimes a good guilt trip does my soul good: I remember that Jesus died for people who hated him.


I want to remind the world that Obama isn't President yet, and in fact he won't be the President-Elect until tommorrow (December 15th).

And I continualy laugh at the close-to-home Coleman v. Franken escapade. This year my excellent, amazing, incredible highschool bought a shinny Scantron machine, and there have been no mishaps filling out the forms yet. And if there were, we'd get the question wrong. Now why can't America be as smart as highschool students?

And why would you alight Mrs. Palin's church? I'm glad they held service elsewhere today! Stick it to 'em.


The favorite, Miss. Russia, won it all. I'm glad we can judge young woman's beauty in a time when we refuse to judge people based on how they dress, speak or act. But even this messed up reality is proof of the existance of God. Don't think I can do it? Watch! (After this brief picture)

(Miss Russia herself)

These women come from all over the world and are called beautiful by all nationalities.
All women in the Miss. World competition would be called beautiful.
Despite national differences, tastes in beauty differ little.
And why is this? Not because of nurture. It's because of nature!
Certain parts of the female anatomy have instinctual draws, sure, but what primitive man would comment on the beauty of Miss. Bosnia-Herzegovina's (my personal favorite, only because of her country of origin) face. Nope... it's bigger than instinct.
And what is part of man's nature, yet more distinctivly human than instinct?!? THE MORAL LAW! God is GOOD, God is GREAT, God is EXCELLENT!

Miss America's greatest achievement "is being accepted as a member of the Entertainment Revue"


John Cage's Indeterminacy.

" However, to come back to my story. A girl in the college there came back backstage afterward
and told me that something marvelous had happened. I said, “What?” She said, “One of the music majors is thinking for the first time in her life.” Then at dinner (it had been an afternoon concert), the Head of the Music Department told me that as he was leaving the concert hall, three of his students called, saying, “Come over here.” He went over. “What is it?” he said. One of the girls said, “Listen.” "