As we approach what in the rest of the world is the Feast of Corpus Christi...

June 10, 2009 | |

Being relatively new to Catholicism I often have questions. I suspect that may continue into my old age, but for now the pressing question is this:

Why is it that the United States has a special calender such that all of the solemnities are moved off of weekdays onto Sundays?

I have taken to using these guys as my authority on all things liturgically scheduled and according to them us Americans have gotten jipped out of the Ascension and the Feast of Corpus Christi. So all of you learned calendrical liturgists (too much of a stretch?) out there, I ernestly implore your explenations.


Geometricus said...

The bishops of the US moved the feasts to Sunday in a misguided attempt to reveal the mysteries of these feasts to a wider audience. Apparently "no one" was coming to mass on Ascension Thursday or Corpus Christi Thursday, at least relatively speaking.

This decision is a source of great pain for me, as one who wants more continuity with the past and not less continuity.